Essentially, the garlic press takes a garlic clove and extrudes it through a bunch of tiny holes. It takes just a few seconds, and it gives you garlic rendered in a form unlike any other. It’s sort of a garlic goo--and don't worry, I mean that in a good way.
But best of all, it saves you valuable prep time. You can blast through several cloves of garlic in a fraction of the time it takes to chop up just one lousy clove with a knife.
The next time you're cooking something that calls for garlic, try using pressed garlic instead of regular, painstakingly chopped (or extra-painstakingly minced) garlic. It will infuse your recipe with a delicious garlic essence, yet you won't really find any discrete pieces of garlic in the dish.
In today's post, I'll give examples of when to use a press and when to stick to minced or chopped garlic, and I'll talk about the texture and extra-strength flavor you can get out of the humble garlic clove when it's forcibly extruded through a press.
Also, at the bottom of this post is an Amazon link to the exact garlic press we use in our kitchen. It's sturdy, easy to clean and I highly recommend it.*
I’ve talked before about how using pre-minced garlic from a jar is, in my opinion, the second-worst form of cheating. Once you have a garlic press in your kitchen, you'll find that using it is easier than scooping the pre-minced crap out of the jar in the first place!
A great example of a recipe that lends itself to pressed garlic is my pasta puttanesca. You can clearly see in the photos from that post that (for some fool reason) I didn’t use the press at all when I made the dish. Nevertheless, this is a textbook example where you could save 3-5 minutes at the very least by using a press and blasting though the six cloves of garlic rather than painstakingly chopping each one. That's significant in a recipe that takes only 20-25 minutes in all to make!
Also, be aware that you will get a lot more flavor mileage out of a pressed garlic clove than a chopped garlic clove, so you could use perhaps 4 pressed garlic cloves for the pasta puttanesca recipe instead of using 6 chopped garlic cloves. But of course this is a personal judgment call.
In the fattoush recipe, I used the garlic press, but I kept the clove count the same. It gave the dish an extra-strong garlic infusion factor. Fortunately for each of us, Laura and I both like garlic. :)
But note that while certain recipes benefit from using a press, certain ones won’t. In a recipe like farfalle with mushrooms and gorgonzola cheese, I would NOT use a garlic press. In this dish you’ll be sautéing the garlic in oil for a few minutes, so you’ll want to have noticeable chunks of garlic in the dish. Furthermore, the garlic should be a subtle and secondary part of the recipe. If there's anything that should be allowed to overwhelm, it's the gorgonzola cheese. After all, that's the centerpiece ingredient. You shouldn't let a less important component like the garlic overpower this recipe in my opinion.
Let's do a quick pictoral how-to on using the press:
First off, separate the garlic into individual cloves. You can leave the paper on.
Place the clove into the press. Adjust the metal presser/plunger thingy....
Use a knife or your finger to scrape the extra garlic trailings from the outside of the press:
Finally, let me also also admit that this is yet another example of how I was wrong in a cooking debate. Laura wanted one of these, and of course being the habit-laden stick-in-the-mud I always am, I laughed at the idea. Of course not only am I now using this garlic press all the time, I'm even writing blog posts about its merits!
Who's laughing now, garlic boy?
* Note: if you purchase any item via links to Amazon, I will receive a pathetically small affiliate fee.
Are you getting manicures now?
LOL!! No manicures. My hands actually normally look like that.
You know, I won a contest once...
DK way, the garlic press is a "uni-tasker" as Alton Brown would say. Easy enough to smash the clove with the edge of the knife blade, scaping it into a paste (this paste-i-fication is speeded up with a little kosher salt, if you don't mind cheating, that is).
I used to think so too, but I'm now a total convert to the garlic press, especially if there are multiple garlic cloves to process. So much easier and less time consuming.
Although I will admit I've never actually tried the kosher salt/knife scrapification method.
Thanks for your comment!
You won a hand contest? Do tell.
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