Preliminaries: Before I could start this trial, I first had to stop drinking coffee. Here's the post that I wrote when I realized that I'd found a quick and nearly painless way to kick caffeine addiction:
Speed-Weaning: How to End Your Caffeine Addiction in Just Three Days
The Trial Itself:
Introduction to Raw Foods
Day 1, soaking and sprouting grains and legumes.
Day 2, murdered tea and six meals.
Day 3, dehydration and a green tongue.
Day 4, needing a few extra molars on the first truly difficult day.
Day 5, "crucifyingly" bad greens and barf-colored smoothies.
Day 6, kooky food cravings and getting out of a cooking rut.
Day 7, a 10k race and an annoyed waitress.
Day 8, The Day After Raw, where, strangely, nothing bad happens.
Conclusions/Final Thoughts:
Reader Questions on the Raw Foods Trial
Conclusions from the Raw Foods Trial
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