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Kris lays waste to a lie that we see constantly reinforced in the media: healthy food is expensive. (Cheap Healthy Good)
An exceptional post about how food blogging turns us all into weirdos. (5 Second Rule) Bonus post: when restaurant menus lie.
Professional wine-tasters are full of sh*t. (1 Wine Dude)
An inflammatory article on how the beverage industry killed the soda tax. (Accidental Hedonist) Bonus Post: An alternate view of the soda tax debate.
Four money-saving tips for using your dryer. (Almost Frugal)
Recipe Links:
A delicious, easy and inexpensive Moroccan Chicken Soup. (Andrea's Recipes)
An intriguing Cheddar Horseradish Spread. (Coconut & Lime)
Wow on this easy and highly original recipe: Crash Potatoes with Orange Zest. (Kayotic Kitchen via @KathrynElliott)
The Ultimate Buttermilk Recipe Repository: 41 recipes to help you finish off that partial quart of buttermilk left over from some other recipe. (Pink of Perfection)
Off-Topic Links:
Are you choosing to live a deliberate life? Here are seven questions you can ask yourself to see. (Uncornered Market, via The Future is Red)
Put your politics and your scapegoating aside, and read this counterintuitive (and I think accurate) piece on the real cause of the financial crisis. (Christian Science Monitor)
A painless (and hilarious) way to learn the key differences between the left/liberal economic theories of Keynesians and the right/conservative economic theories of Hayek and the Austrian school. (Cafe Hayek)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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1 comment:
So. Two links that I loved this week. The one on outliers - hysterical. And so true. It's scary.
And the buttermilk recipe repository. Perfect timing seeing as how I have, oh 3 1/2 cups of buttermilk sitting in my fridge left over from some red velvet cupcakes. That I previously had no idea what to do with. But now have 41 ideas. Splendid.
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