Friday, February 05, 2010

CK Friday Links--Friday February 5, 2010

Greetings y saludos from Chile! A quick update: Laura and I will be spending the next three months in Santiago, valiantly attempting to improve our extremely rusty Spanish. Don't worry, I'll maintain Casual Kitchen's regular posting schedule while we're here.

Also, readers, if you've visited Chile and would like to suggest any must-eat foods or must-go-to restaurants,
please email me!

Once again, here's another Friday assortment of particularly interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments and feedback.

PS: Sígame en Twitter!

Want to lose weight and boost your metabolism? Then eat a REALLY big breakfast. (EcoSalon)

A helpful post on cooking oils that explains smoke points and which oils to use when. (Grow. Cook. Eat)

Ideas on how to practice mindful eating--a great complement to CK's post this week on Mindful Chewing! (Brigham and Women's Hospital via @jules_stonesoup)

Don't pay up for ridiculously expensive composting equipment--read this post for a much cheaper and laughably easy way instead. (Andrea's Recipes)

Recipe Links:
A wonderfully simple Pan Fried Salmon with some highly creative seasonings. (A Life of Spice)

Screamingly delicious Super Bowl food: Baked Loaded Potato Skins. (Cheap Healthy Good)

A bit of work to make, but well worth the effort: Moussaka. (REC(ession)IPES)

An intriguing recipe for Seville-Style Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Liadillos Sevillanos). (A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa)

Off-Topic Links:
This week's book recommendation: Everett Bogue's The Art of Being Minimalist. I just finished this e-book and consider it exceptional and worth recommending to readers. (Note: this is an affiliate link, so if you decide to purchase it, you'll be helping out Casual Kitchen too!)

Rules for ideas worth spreading. (Seth's Blog)

Everyday life is filled with moments that we can either do with purpose or do without thought. Today, choose one of those moments and fill it with attention. (MCM Voices Voiceover Blog)

An exceptional essay on the fearless and lonely life of Malcolm X. (The Art of Non-Conformity)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. I find the large breakfast link interesting. Certainly, when I eat a large breakfast, I'm not hungry until almost dinner.

    I have a number of friends from Denmark. I have often been amazed at how much they eat for breakfast. They tend to be more slender than those of us in the US (though that's changing).

    Most of them are horrified at the size of the portions in restaurants. But I've seen them have a breakfast that lasts an hour or more, including muesli, yogurt, fruit, coffee, toast, and sometimes cheese.

    Their lunch, in comparison, can be rather small. One small open-faced sandwich and fruit.

  2. I just want to say that I really like your Friday links. Even though food-focused blogs can start sounding the same, I think you highlight an interesting variety. So, thanks!

  3. Marcia, I agree, and not only that, but I find my energy levels to be quite a bit more stable over the course of the day when I have a large breakfast. It would be interesting perhaps to work up a post that takes the concepts from my recent article on "Hacking the Satiety Factor" and combines them with this breakfast insight.

    Oilandgarlic: Thank you so much for the feedback, and I'm happy that you noticed the variety I try to bring to my readers. I follow hundreds of blogs and would agree that many, many food blogs tread the same ground. But there is a lot of interesting content out there, and hopefully I can save my readers time by delivering it to them here, rather than making them search for it themselves.


  4. I'm in my 60s and I've never been much of a breakfast eater. The only way I could eat a large breakfast is to have it at brunch. I like breakfast food, just not first thing in the morning!

    Marcia made a good observation about the Danes eating a large breakfast, but a smaller lunch. With the exception of people who are extremely active, most of us don't need three substantial meals daily -- and in some cases may not need three meals daily!

    I've observed that many people who are "naturally" slim eat one substantial meal daily and two lighter meals. Many don't snack or eat between meals only if there is a long period of time between the meals -- more than 6 hours or so. Then they eat just a little something and it's not junk food!

    This is probably most difficult to do when the evening meal is the most substantial meal. It's not impossible, though. The hardest part is getting past the idea that you need three substantial meals daily.


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