CK Friday Links--Friday March 12, 2010

Here's yet another selection of particularly interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

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In an evocative post, one of my favorite food writers learns to accept her body weight and shape. (What I Weigh Today)

Five hilarious reasons why you should never spam Cheryl Sternman Rule. (5 Second Rule)

An excellent six-part series on buying, planting, starting and growing indoor seedlings. (A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa)

Why recipes containing grain-and-legume combos are so incredibly healthy. (Chocolate & Zucchini)

Recipe Links:
Everything you need to know about making a kickass loaf of homemade bread. An exceptional tutorial. (Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day)

An easy Spicy Zucchini Soup. (The Budding Cook)

Another easy dish, offered in solidarity to the people of Haiti: Haitian Red Beans in Sauce. (Gherkins & Tomatoes, via A Mingling of Tastes)

An Israeli dish that’s tasty, incredibly inexpensive, healthy, and fun to eat: Shaksouka. (Cheap Healthy Good)

Off-Topic Links:
Why you should still exercise, even if you suffer from pain. (Functional Fitness) Bonus Post: We are the sum of the people around us.

Acts of kindness, generosity and cooperation spread just as easily as bad acts. And it takes only a handful of people to make a difference. (MoneyScience)

How the "cult of the new" makes your life much more expensive than it needs to be. (The Simple Dollar)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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