As always, here's another selection of interesting links from around the internet. I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.
PS: Follow me on Twitter!
The five most important elements of a great homemade salad dressing. (Christie's Corner)
Are you prepared with enough food, water and supplies if a serious disaster struck your community? (Inspire2Act)
Five beginner steps you can take towards making healthier food choices. (Like a Bubbling Brook)
Recipe Links:
A must-try recipe: Baja Fish Tacos with Wasabi Sauce. (Banging on Pots and Pans)
Simple, flexible and delicious: Baked Eggs. (A Sweet Life)
A surprisingly easy Hot 'n' Spicy Shrimp Etouffee. (Coconut & Lime)
Off-Topic Links:
Living in a world where most writers suck. (Jason Sandford's Blog via @ElizabethSCraig)
Five tips for using email far more efficiently. (The Happiness Project)
Would you stand idly by if you saw someone being attacked? Would you be willing to intervene on behalf of a stranger? (Erin Pavlina's Blog)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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The writing thing was very interesting, especially the comments. Who would have thought that writing and engineering have so much in common.
"Peer review isn't enough" (just because your coworkers like you, doesn't make you better).
"Good critique is essential" (Having a good boss/mentor to guide you in learning new things is a godsend! I've got one of those.)
I've been following your blog on rss feed, and have enjoyed reading about your travels as well as all the interesting information you post.
Today I saw you were back home, and wanted to leave a comment about how glad I am you got back safely.
Also, I noticed you have other blogs and being a retired pianist, I found your 101 CD's truly interesting. Your reaction to composers and their music is quite similar to mine.
As to Debussey, remember they say his music is so 'visual', you can SEE the grass growing - so very very true.
I don't know if you know about the play-list web-site, but with your love of music you probably would enjoy building play-lists (all of them are free).
Also, since all my blogs have music on them because you can take any play-list you build and post it to your blog or web-site, it would be wonderful to add to your 101 CD and pick the composer's music as you write about them. Granted the music might not be the same as you're writing about, but you could find all the same composers - how fun!
I see you haven't posted to the 101 CD for a while, but I'm putting it on rss feed in the hope that you do. Diane
...whoops, here's the link to the play-list web-site; it takes about 3 minutes to sign up (no cost).
I'm sure you'll have fun with it - I've got about 90 play-lists made up with 200 songs on each list, so that's about 18,000 melodies and I no longer both adding to my huge CD collection (saves me a good deal of money and I can build my play-lists the way I want them, rather than how the CD producer wants to build them).
Welcome home. I can't even imagine what it felt like to have to leave... look forward to hearing more about the culinary adventures in this space.
I loved the blog from Erin - I have also stood up and done something when I have witnessed abuse or something appalling. A few times. I can't imagine not doing something (i.e., stepping in, calling the authorities). I have no self-control when it comes to stuff like that, which kind of worries Steve sometimes, in terms of my safety, but I can't see being any other way.
Also looooved the fish tacos. They look amazing. And the salad dressing instruction was great too.
Marcia, Happy and Melissa, thanks as always for the feedback on these links posts! Glad you found them helpful and interesting. And thanks for reading. :)
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