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Ten cheap shortcuts that make cooking infinitely easier. (Cheap Healthy Good)
How to handle social pressure when following a diet that differs from your friends and family. (Choosing Raw) Bonus Post: How to build a meal-sized salad.
Five ways apartment dwellers can grow their own food. (The Good Human, via Almost Frugal)
An interesting history of the controversy surrounding raw milk. (Diary of a Locavore)
Ten tips for optimal vegetable storage. (stonesoup)
Recipe Links:
Laughably easy and tasty: Grilled Chile Lime Chicken. (Beach Eats)
Simple to make and cool-looking! Zebra Cake. (The Big Bite)
Okay, warning: NOT EASY. But this recipe for homemade Croissants looks doable by a normal person. I'm looking forward to trying it out in the coming weeks. (Fresh From the Oven)
Off-Topic Links:
On giving unsolicited advice. (The Art of Non-Conformity)
A short history of the most famous scream in Hollywood. (Metal Shed Movies, via Mary McKitrick's Voiceover Blog)
Good tips on successfully dealing with customer service representatives--from a person who used to work in the field. (Consumerism Commentary)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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Interesting links. I love croissants but not sure if I want to spend the time to make something that will probably turn out not-edible. =)
Interesting article on apartment dwelling. I live in an apartment and I have nothing more than a balcony (that's way smaller than the patio featured in the article), but I do grow my own herbs on it. Last year I tried tomatoes, but only got 3 tiny tomatoes the whole summer. I think it had to so with the rainy spring and summer we had. NY doesn't have the best growing season.
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