Monday, August 23, 2010

Casual Kitchen Interview in the South Florida Food and Wine Blog

Just a quick update for readers: Casual Kitchen is featured in an interview at the South Florida Food and Wine Blog today!

Blogger Christine Najac reached out and asked if I'd participate, and I'm glad I did. The interview is wide-ranging, covering subjects like my best single piece of food-related advice, my most memorable blogging experience, and the seemingly small event that brought about the creation of Casual Kitchen back in 2006. I think readers--especially long time readers--will enjoy that last story in particular, because I've never really decribed in full detail how my Wall Street career went off the rails, and how that seemingly bad thing gave rise to all of the good things that flowed from starting Casual Kitchen. (One other irony--Casual Kitchen also outlived the enormous financial services firm I used to work for).

Of the relatively short list of interviews I've done over the course of my life, this one was easily the most fun and thought-provoking.

Stop over at the South Florida Food and Wine Blog and have a look--and if you're a food or wine blogger and you're interested in an interview with Christine, contact her via email or Twitter!

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How to Write A Killer Links Post
Ask Casual Kitchen: Advice for a New Blogger
A Reader Asks for Help

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  1. I didn't realize you'd majored in English--so did I ;-)

  2. Thanks for the kind words Wosnes!

    And Kx3, yep, it's true. Ironically, learning to be a critical reader of literature (as well as being able to read a lot of text extremely quickly) was surprisingly helpful in my career as an investor. You just never know how things are going to turn out, huh? :)


  3. This interview was fantastic. Kudos Dan!


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