Friday, September 03, 2010

CK Friday Links--Friday September 3, 2010

Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

The importance of keeping a food journal. (Julie's Healthy Living)

Provocative insights on the real cost and availability of healthy food in the inner city. Hint: it's not what you'd expect. (Grow. Cook. Eat.)

Create a healthy habit in 15 days. (Functional Fitness)

An intriguing take on why you shouldn't worry about mercury in fish--even if you're pregnant. (Beyond Salmon)

Recipe Links:
Simple, elegant, easy: Cilantro Lime Chicken. (Gabriela's Kitchen)

When Dave gives a recipe a "Wow!" I sit up and take notice--and add it to my weekly recipe links. Brined Pork Chops. (Food & Fire)

Delicious and only $1.21 a serving! Balsamic Glazed Mushrooms & Meatballs with Onions & Bacon. (Broke and Healthy)

Off-Topic Links:
Giving up TV will send your writing through the roof. (Nail Your Novel)

Slaying the "enough" dragon. (Early Retirement Extreme)

How to deal with complainers--in a way that both helps them and protects you from their negative influence. (

One of the all-time best posts on personal development. (Steve Pavlina's Blog)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. Thanks for the nod. My sister showed this to me. I was on the road last week traveling and haven't been online so I never saw this. I appreciate the mention on your blog. Thanks. :)

    Julie Weston

  2. Julie, you are welcome. Thanks for posting such a helpful article!


  3. That personal development post speaks very heavily to everything I believe about fate, happiness, choice, our own power, etc. Good stuff.


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