Friday, October 01, 2010

CK Friday Links--Friday October 1, 2010

Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

And finally, one quick update for any of you who read blogs via Bloglines. As of November 1st, Bloglines is shutting down (bugger!). If you're looking good substitute, try Google Reader. It's extremely easy to port over all your feeds, and the interface is simple and works quite well.
How to minimize mistakes when counting calories. (344 Pounds)

Handy rules on how to select and cook the best pasta. (The Perfect Pantry, via Grow. Cook. Eat.)

How to create a fully-stocked, global pantry. (Cheap Healthy Good)

No one should have to defend their food choices. (Thrive, via Deeper Than the Surface)

Recipe Links:
Perfect for the fall: Pikes Peak Spiked Apple Crisp. (Vino Luci)

Exotic-tasting Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Chicken Kebabs in under 25 minutes. (A Life of Spice)

Frugal and laughably easy Homemade Dill Pickles, featuring a ferocious comment debate on the difference between "cue" and "queue." (The Simple Dollar)

Off-Topic Links:
Why a narcissist joined the Las Vegas Search and Rescue Team. (Dana Richardson's Blog)

Minimalism is more than living in a small white room with no furniture. (Exile Lifestyle)

Why investing is so hard, and why most of us have had disappointing experiences in the stock market. (Behavior Gap)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

Help support Casual Kitchen by buying Everett Bogue's exceptional book The Art of Being Minimalist. (This is an affiliate link for an e-book I strongly recommend to my readers--and if you decide to make a purchase, your purchase will help fund all of the free content here at CK!)

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