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Convincing a reluctant spouse or family member to switch to real food. (100 Days of Real Food)
How does eating fit into the so-called good life? Ask the ancients. (Tim Ferriss)
Three tips to help you avoid being a pontificating eco-bore. (Eco-Snobbery Sucks)
Watch how the California Beef Council beats up on a small rancher who wrote a documentary blog post about how her farm harvests beef. (Megreab's Blog)
Recipe Links:
A perfect hot-weather meal: Thai Inspired Salad. (The Oyster Evangelist)
Delicious and healthy appetizers: Rosemary Spiced Almonds. (Dragon's Kitchen)
Makeable in just 15 minutes! Spaghetti alla Carbonara with Peas. (Closet Cooking)
Off-Topic Links:
Ten myths about introverts. (Owl City Blog, via Owlhaven)
31 life lessons in 31 years. Particularly 4, 7, 9, 13, 21 and 22. (Think Simple Now, via The Simple Dollar)
A balanced look at what it means, exactly, to be guilty of "Malthusian thinking." (New York Times)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!
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