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Remember that recent study that links moderate alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer? Time to rethink it. (The Incidental Economist)
Good ideas for foods to have on hand for emergencies. (Ingles Nutrition)
Ways to eat less. (Owlhaven) Bonus Post: Correcting kids without losing your cool.
Is it right or wrong for a woman to breastfeed openly at a table in a restaurant? (The Bitchy Waiter)
Recipe Links:
You'll need a spoon to finish it: My Family's Favorite Hot Chocolate. From Mollie Katzen's classic cookbook Sunlight Cafe.
An interesting stylistic twist on the standard baked potato: Accordion Potatoes! (Chow and Chatter)
Weird, yet tempting: Sriracha Peanut Butter Cookies. (Tastes Better With Friends)
Off-Topic Links:
Best tips for writing quickly--and well. (Time to Write, via Nail Your Novel)
Why do you need to be conscious of your own bias? Because bias prevents you from comprehending, accepting, and applying information that may be useful to you. (Ombailamos)
For readers interested in film, here's a brilliant post by Roger Ebert on the life of Pauline Kael, the most important film critic of the 20th Century. (Roger Ebert's Journal)
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Another anti-public breastfeeding article... So it's okay for adults to eat in a restaurant, but not a baby. Humans are mammals which means we nurse our young. With millions of dollars being spent on formula and healthcare costs due to not breastfeeding, mothers who are able to hurdle the societal barriers should be supported. As nursing is a learned behavior public nursing should be encouraged to normalize and teach.
Also, nursing is specifically protected in almost all states and federally. If both mother and baby have a right to be at the location they have the right to nurse.
Yes, it's perfectly fine for a woman to nurse a baby openly in a restaurant. I did it all the time. I wore t-shirts that I pulled up - you never saw much more than an inch. But I never had one of those cover ups or blankets. What baby wants to get claustrophobic??
I think people who get hung up about it have never given birth and nursed a baby for a year, unless they have the lifestyle where they never leave the house. Seriously, pump and give a bottle when you are out? So, pump, sterilize bottles, feed the baby, wash the bottles, sterilize the bottles. My god, I did that because I worked, I'll be damned if I'll pump MORE than what I already had to do when the breast was right there.
AND I say this as a woman whose mother and sister did NOT nurse and who were actively against and grossed out by it.
Anon, keep in mind that I often link to articles that I disagree with in these Friday Links posts. My goal is to foster debate and discussion, and that's why I'm grateful for comments just like yours and Marcia's.
I'm a big supporter of breastfeeding and feel that every mother should be able to do it whenever and wherever they need to. Yet, I also think it is a bit much to expect everyone to be okay with her boob just flopped out on the table in front of the whole restaurant. There is nothing wrong with the coverups and wraps and I believe that is how it should be done in a situation like this (and I think saying the baby gets claustrophobic from that is assuming too much... and off base).
Sorry, continuing a thought:
I remember reading something about a mom who was yelled at in a hospital waiting room for showing some boob while breastfeeding... now THAT is kind of silly. In a hospital, it seems a lot more fitting and she was there during an emergency with her children. She should have a pass. But a restaurant? Complete bare boob for the whole place to see? Not so much.
Seriously, what's the difference? When I had my son those coverups didn't exist - or at least, I'd never seen one. Whether you use one or just pull up your shirt, ANYONE looking at you knows what you are doing. If they are uncomfortable with the idea, they are uncomfortable with the idea. Big deal.
It's not my problem if someone else is uncomfortable with it. You think babies are okay being covered with a blanket? Mine wasn't, end of story. And nursing in public =/= "boob flopped out on the table".
This is where we can learn a lot from other countries, where it's just not a big deal.
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