Friday, May 25, 2012

CK Friday Links--Friday May 25, 2012

Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

What is a "headless fatty"--and why is it a staple of news journalism? (Charlotte Cooper)

The Mediterranean secret to getting your kids to love their vegetables. (Keeper of the Home)

Redefining comfort foods, from the author of FibroWHYalgia. (Rebuilding Wellness)

Consumers are people too. (Eating Rules)

Recipe Links:
Brilliant and easy: Cast Iron Chicken. (Christie's Corner)

A delicious, low-glycemic snack: Crispy Roasted Chickpeas. (Steamy Kitchen, via Owlhaven)

I didn't know guacamole could be made even more perfect! Tequila-Spiked Guacamole. (A Thought For Food)

Off-Topic Links:
Unsolicited book recommendation of the week: On Writing by Stephen King. An exceptional book. It's amusing, inspiring, sincere--and it delivers a ton of useful, practical advice. Highly recommended for writers and bloggers.

I value my time too much to let others control it. (Brave New Life) Bonus post: Macleod's company hierarchy and the corporate conscious.

How much is the senior prom really worth? (Surviving and Thriving)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. that looks like an excellent guacamole recipe.

    I also love Stephen King's "On Writing." One of very few books about the hows and whys of writing that I have kept.

    the "headless fatty" phenomenon - you know, I agree that it's offensive, and particularly because these almost certainly are, in the majority, unauthorized and uncompensated photographs.

    The guy in the doctor's office with the 50-inch waist, now, he obviously knew a photo was being taken. But the majority of the examples looked like "sneak" photos.

    However, I doubt there is grounds for a lawsuit. No subject of these photos could establish that they have suffered any harm.

  2. I think you're right on how the actual individual doesn't suffer direct harm. And like you said in your comment last week, it's not like you can run a picture of a thin person next to an article on obesity. Still, the practice is deeply objectifying.

    Thanks for backing me up on "On Writing"--I was stunned that it was so good.

    As always, thanks for your insights Chacha!



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