Friday, May 04, 2012

CK Friday Links--Friday May 4, 2012

Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

Is it realistic--or narcissistic--of us to think that animals should all die of "natural causes"? (A Mindful Carnivore)

Why the golden age of food writing is right now. (Chow)

How losing weight can strain a marriage. (344 Pounds) Bonus post: Five ways to kill off those afternoon cravings.

Raising fearless eaters. (Owlhaven)

Recipe Links:
Belizean-Style Habanero Pepper Sauce. (Rice and Beans)

Genius in its simplicity: Ginger Brulee. (Stonesoup)

Off-Topic Links:
Just about every great, brave or beautiful thing in our culture was created by someone who didn't do it for money. (Seth's Blog)

The seven deadly sins of change. (The Change Blog)

How a book about tennis turned out to be the most useful book I've ever read about writing. (Quick Writing Tips)

A striking infographic on the environmental impact of the internet. But there's one problem: it contains a gaping logic hole. Gaping. Can you find it? I'll give a free prize to the first commenter who comes up with the correct answer. (Wordstream)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. Wordstream: so, what would people be doing if they weren't on the internet? What other activities would they perform? Because I bet they would have a much higher carbon footprint than web surfing!

  2. You nailed it Stuart: any discussion of the carbon footprint of the internet has to include a discussion of what our carbon footprint would be WITHOUT the internet. Obviously it would be far, far greater.

    Shoot me your postal address via email and I'll send you some swag. And I'll try not to feel too guilty about my carbon footprint from using snail mail. :)


  3. I wasn't really sure what they were trying to get with that infographic anyway. Glad to see the answer. The company I work for is working on much more efficient power conversion so those data centers will use a LOT less energy. :)

    I thought that the "344 pounds" blog post was interesting. I disagree with him that it's not fair to his wife to keep junk food out of the house. My sister used to say that too when she was trying to lose weight - that it wasn't fair to her son.

    Kids and adults can get soda, chips, cookies, EVERYWHERE these days. Keep them at work, in your car, go grab one on your walk, there is NO REASON to keep them out of the house.

  4. sorry "NOT to keep them out of the house"

  5. Yay! I won something!

    Thank you :)

  6. I'm gonna have to agree with marcia on the 344 pounds post...cookies/chips/snacks aren't good for ANYONE no matter what weight you. It's much better for EVERYONE to have fruits/veggies to reach for instead, even if you're not trying to lose weight!

  7. As always, great Friday links. Thanks

  8. I'd also note another logic gap: diminishing returns as more people get on the internet. It's unlikely that internet use will increase by the same % every year, since you're chasing a smaller population to achieve that % increase (and they likely have higher barriers to access).


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