Friday, October 19, 2012

CK Friday Links--Friday October 19, 2012

Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

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Why the Daily Meal doesn't feel bad at all about not paying food writers for stories. (Will Write For Food, via A Life Of Spice)

Barney's of New York redrew Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse for a new fashion campaign. The Academy for Eating Disorders demands claims these "emaciated" cartoon characters will cause low self-esteem and body dissatisfaction in young girls. Readers, is this an overreaction, or a fair criticism? (Academy for Eating Disorders)

A guide to eating a plant-based diet. (Zen Habits) Related: CK on why eating less meat is far better than going local.

Recipe Links:
An inexpensive, hearty and easy African Beef and Peanut Stew. (Chow and Chatter) See also CK's Groundnut Stew, a reader favorite!

Walnut Skordalia. You'll never guess the key ingredient in this delicious Greek spread. (Kalofagas)

Hearty, healthy, easy, and you can make it in your slow-cooker: Cannellini Bean Stew. (Kalyn's Kitchen)

Off-Topic Links:
Why Baby Boomers just can't grasp that Millennials are... faking it. (Harvard Business Review, via Grant McCracken)

Remember that recent Friday Links post on the "marshmallow experiment"? Turns out there was something really wrong with that study. (Bloomberg News)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. Calling a vegan diet "plant based" annoys me. It's not plant based, it's plants only. Many omnivores eat plant based diets.

  2. Fascinating additional info re. the marshmallow study. Thanks for finding that.

    Of course, as it applies to my adult life, self-discipline requires only trust in myself, so I'm good. ;)

  3. Skinny cartoon characters require less ink, and therefore are greener and more environmentally friendly! And probably saved ol' Walt a ton of cash over the years so he could invest in his theme parks.

  4. Hilarious. I read that article and my initial reaction was "stand down people. These are CARTOON CHARACTERS."

    Then again, if you want to raise the profile of your organization, you'll want to reach for any controversy you can. So I see why they would do this.



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