Friday, November 02, 2012

CK Friday Links--Friday November 2, 2012

UPDATE: Readers, after today post (which was slightly delayed thanks to Hurricane Sandy...sorry!), I'll be taking a break from publishing Friday Links for one month. I'll be spending the next few weeks learning French in Montreal, Quebec and I want to minimize my English-language blog reading while I'm there.

In the meantime, I'll still moderate comments and run my weekly scheduled articles here at CK while I'm away, and Friday Links will return on December 7th. See you in a month!

PS: Follow me on Twitter!
Unpacking "the death threat" theory of obesity. (The Fat Nutritionist)

Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world? Put on your critical thinking skills as you watch this six minute video. (Food Mythbusters)

How the sugar industry covertly fought the battle of public opinion on the dangers of dietary sugar. Long, but worth reading, and by the author of Why We Get Fat. (Mother Jones)

Recipe Links:
Hilariously easy: Ten Minute Homemade Hot Sauce. (Beyond the Peel)

When Thanksgiving rolls around, roll out a new tradition: Roasted Garlic. (Eating Rules)

Off-Topic Links:
Where did all the finance bloggers go? Replace "finance bloggers" with "food bloggers" and you'll have your answer for the decline of food blogging too. (The Reformed Broker)

There's a perception out there that the middle class had its heyday in the 1950s and 60s... and it's been downhill ever since. This chart will make you rethink things. (Carpe Diem)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. will read some others, but re: Carpe Diem post ...

    I would like to see that graphic alongside a graph of real wages over the same period; a graph of income distribution; a graph of housing prices; and a graph of per-capita healthcare spending (including cost of insurance) before deciding whether the middle class is really better off now.

    All I'm sayin' is, my total insurance bill (renter's, health, life, and auto) is nearly $1000/mo for a family of two healthy adults in a rental household with paid-off cars.

  2. okay, two more. Re: Reformed Broker, I've noticed myself that certain longtime bloggers have tailed off. For a bunch of reasons, probably somewhat aligning with the reasons I myself am rethinking my blog (which I never even attempted to monetize).

    Ultimately there are only so many things that can constructively be said on any subject, and too much has already been said.

    Re: Fat Nutritionist ... well, I suspected that one would annoy me, and it did. "Oh, people are just being mean!" Well, yes; sometimes they are. "And it's really okay, even healthy, to be fat!" Well, no; it really isn't.

    If I ever see a fat apologist actually address the latest research on why it's so hard to lose weight, I will fall out of my desk chair in shock.

  3. Interesting point on insurance.

    I think that Carpe Diem blog's chart has lots of merit if you look at the cost of most items that most households now consider "normal" to own. It's just that services (and I'd include insurance in this category... as well as personal services like haircuts, legal services, etc.) seem to obey different rules of economics--there's definitely been more cost inflation in the service sector.

    Speaking specifically about insurance, however, there is a truism: the more expensive your stuff, the more it costs to insure. Which should lead you to some possible solutions to how to reduce your overall insurance bill.

    I should address insurance in a future Money Sundays post--thanks for the prod.


  4. Insurance: location, location, location. We have the highest-possible deductibles that our company will allow on renter's and auto. We have multiple discounts etc for safe driver, secure parking, low mileage, etc. Our cars are 1996 and 1999 models - hardly high theft risk - and neither of us has ever caused an accident.

    But we live in Beverly Hills, CA, and that alone apparently doubles the premiums (it's far worse of an inflation factor than we've found applied to rent).

    Still worth it to not have to commute for hours per day. :-)

  5. I get you. I mean, are you really looking to get your insurance costs down? Or is that a truly worthwhile expenditure of your "life energy" (to borrow the phrase from Your Money Or Your Life)?

    Perhaps I can spin this public conversation into a Money Sunday's post on insurance, with your permission.



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