CK Friday Links--Friday January 4, 2013

Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

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Never underestimate the art of bussing tables. (Food Woolf)

Today’s modern household appliances are not only cheaper than ever before to purchase, they are also the most energy-efficient appliances in history. (Carpe Diem Blog)

I am not done. I will never be done. (Happy Healthy Cook)

Recipe Links:
A Chili Mole recipe with chocolate and Guinness? Sounds like a must-make to me. (Eats Well With Others)

Easy, scalable and cheap: Spicy Black Beans and Quinoa. (Alosha's Kitchen)

Off-Topic Links:
Your two minds. Use them both. (Post-Masculine)

Real authors vs. implied authors. (Bloomberg)

Gen Y will be in big trouble when Gen Z comes of age. (Penelope Trunk)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe? Want a little extra traffic at your blog? Send me an email!

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