Friday, June 07, 2013

CK Friday Links--Friday June 7, 2013

Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

Easy steps for cleaning and eliminating food odors from your wood cutting board. (Dad Cooks Dinner)

Challenge yourself to try 13 new recipes this summer. ($5 Dinners)

Recipe Links:
Five stars! Chicken Satay with Spicy Peanut Sauce. (Food and Fire)

Algerian Baked Fish. (64 Sq. Foot Kitchen)

Off-Topic Links:
Watch out for "Tiny Details Exaggeration Syndrome"! (Mr. Money Mustache)

Investment geeks only: Get the real facts on the USA's "too big to fail" banking system. (Sober Look)

Put yourself in uncomfortable situations. Being nervous is a good thing. (Penelope Trunk)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe? Want a little extra traffic at your blog? Send me an email!

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  1. Okay, that is the first article by Mr. Money Mustache I've ever read, primarily because his occasional comments at Grumpy Rumblings have mostly annoyed me.

    And I agreed with the article! Maybe because of the M.A. in history, maybe because I've lived a lot of different places, but I do see people with a bad case of lifestyle inflation and concomitant Exaggeration Syndrome. And it happens at every income level.

  2. You're welcome Chacha! I think his site is very much worth reading--there's good stuff there. But, yes, his tone can rub some readers the wrong way. I guess you need to do *something* though to spice up a subject like personal finance. :)



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