Friday, July 12, 2013

CK Friday Links--Friday July 12, 2013

Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

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Buttered Coffee. Wait, what? (Food Woolf)

Intriguing thoughts on weight loss and vanity sizing from someone who's lost a significant amount of weight--twice. (Frugal Healthy Simple)

Ten ways to slim down obese copy. (Bad Language)

Patients believe since we can cure serious diseases like Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and control others like AIDS, we should have even better success rates with more ordinary diseases. Wrong. (A Country Doctor Writes)

The 100 greatest American Novels, 1883-1993. There are several on this list that I violently disagree with... but that's the fun of book lists. (BookRiot)

Investor Byron Wien shares lessons from his first 80 years. (Blackstone)

Missed the big market rally? Stop your diet of "recession porn." (Washington Post) Bonus: Reader pushback.

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  1. So, please expand on your comment regarding the top 100 American books of the twentieth century. Which didn't belong and which should have been in their place?

  2. I'd actually like to hear readers' thoughts what books they'd cut/add. But I'll share a couple of my own to start it off:

    1) The Sun Also Rises is Hemingway's *worst* novel. Anything else would have been better. I'd choose For Whom the Bell Tolls.

    2) Amy Tan doesn't belong here. The Joy Luck Club just wasn't that good. I'd put something like Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible in its place.

    3) I never understood why so many "best books" include Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. No one can get through it, but then everybody seems to agree how great it is.

    What do other people think?


  3. You know, I read A LOT and I've only read 17 of the books on BookRiot's list. Some I've never even heard of.

    But then, American "literature" isn't my bag. Gimme good genre fiction any day.

    Dan: I liked "Lolita." MUCH, much more than I liked "The Great Gatsby." It similarly centers on a group of irredeemable people, about whose fate one should be completely indifferent; but in the case of "Lolita" there is actually both wit and pathos. In "Gatsby" there is just annoying anomie.

    The book listed that I find particularly surprising is "Confederacy of Dunces," which is one of those that I never could get through ... and in fact don't know anyone who did. My understanding is that the backstory to this one sells it as great literature to those who want to believe in the Tortured Writer. I say if it's torture to read it, it ain't great literature.

    My vote to replace that: Stephen King's "The Dead Zone." Now THAT is a book that really says something about America, and in a way that'll break your heart.

  4. Regarding the buttered coffee, Tibetans have been putting butter in their TEA for years. :-)


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