Friday, August 09, 2013

CK Friday Links--Friday August 9, 2013

Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

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How to filet a fish. (Table Matters)

The top five myths of GMO seeds, busted. (NPR) For your own good, skip the comments--you'll lose your faith in the critical thinking skills of your fellow humans.

Looking to cut costs by substituting meats and fish in a recipe? Here are two golden rules. (Stonesoup)

We're raising a nation of wimps. (Psychology Today)

Curing your clown-like car habit. (Mr. Money Mustache)

Ditch the mythology of the financial crisis and look at the real culprit. (Harvard Business Review)

Book Recommendation: The Spirit of Enterprise by George Gilder. This was a surprisingly inspiring book on the role of entrepreneurs in an economy. I loved it. It's a somewhat obscure book: you might have to buy it used (or get it from your local library), but very much worth a read to understand the nature of our economy's primary engine.

Speaking of books: Which author appears twice on Bill Gates' summer reading list? (Quartz) Related: Here's Gates' full reading list.

Do you have an interesting article or recipe to share? Want some extra traffic at your blog? Send me an email!

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