Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.
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Zhoug: Yemenite hot sauce. (A Sweet Life)
Ironically, it may be an IRS ruling that convinces restaurants to eliminate mandatory gratuity fees. (Wall Street Journal) Related: What's Your Take On Mandatory Gratuities?
Why is it so darn hard to lose fat? (A Sweet Life)
Why fats, not carbs, are the preferred fuel for your body. (Mark's Daily Apple, via Stonesoup) PS: What does it mean to be "fat adapted"?
The EU creates its own unintended "egg crisis" by imposing rules on animal welfare. (EurActiv, via @adrihout)
Comparisonitis will destroy your blog... (Problogger, via The Future Is Red)
...and writer's block is just another excuse. (The Future Is Red)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe to share? Want some extra traffic at your blog? Send me an email!
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