Friday, November 22, 2013

CK Friday Links--Friday November 22, 2013

Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

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The number one tip for stress free entertaining (Stonesoup)

Interesting 12 minute profile of the woman who sued McDonald’s (and won!) after burning herself with their coffee. (Films for Action)

Ten gluten-free misconceptions... and ten inadvertent gluten exposures. (Eating Rules)

The extreme minimalist kitchen. (Early Retirement Extreme)

Four reasons we carry baggage. (Allison Vesterfelt)

How many days can you go without checking email or social media? (Steve Pavlina)

Four words that make you weak. (The Bulletproof Executive, via 50by25)

The quintessential fall dinner: Maple Mustard Roasted Chicken. (Cafe Johnsonia)

Curried Chickpea Stew with Rice Pilaf, and a bonus: learn to make your own Homemade Curry Powder! (Eats Well With Others)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe to share? Want some extra traffic at your blog? Send me an email!

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  1. minimalist kitchen: uh ... okay.

    stress-free entertaining: AGREED.

    The esposo & I are having an open-house type party late in Dec. All finger food except some corn chowder, which will be kept warm in my slow cooker and dished up into disposable bowls.

    A smoked turkey and a spiral ham go a long way to giving people a hearty meal without "cooking" your ass off all day.

  2. I hear you Chacha. Jacob over at Early Retirement Extreme is extraordinarily creative, but I usually find myself employing *aspects* of his ideas, not always the entire idea as he shares it.


  3. Thanks for sharing my curry, Dan! A fabulous list of links, as always!

  4. Any time Joanne, thanks to YOU for running that post!



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