Friday, January 10, 2014

CK Friday Links--Friday January 10, 2014

Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

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A food policy professor at Tufts University claims I made a "satirically narrow-minded caricature" of food advocates in my interview with Jayson Lusk the other day. Dr. Lusk responds here.

Chile enacts the world’s most aggressive food labelling laws. (Christian Science Monitor, via @doconnorwi)

A high school science teacher has a burst of critical thinking... and discovers that eating exclusively at McDonalds made him thin. (KCCI News, alternate video link here)

The response you’d expect from someone living in a culture of More. (Finding Your Soul, via Food Woolf)

Useful thoughts here on change negative, guilt-based self-talk. "See, guilt is the first sign that something’s wrong. But most people stop there. 'I feel guilty' is not the end, but the beginning of taking action." (I Will Teach You To Be Rich)

Seven things I learned from a year of overconfidence. (Thought Catalog)

New Year’s resolutions for behavioral investors. (Psy-Fi Blog) Bonus: The “Big List” of behavioral biases.

Read this pitifully inaccurate article on food commodity “speculators,” and then read this rebuttal from the professor slandered by it, and you’ll never trust The New York Times again. Disturbing.

34 intriguing, simple two-ingredient recipes (Crazy Food)

80 Gluten Free Slow Cooker Recipes! (Divine Health)

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  1. I like the Tufts/Lusk exchange on your interview. The Tufts piece was obviously a knee-jerk reaction based on the writer's personal bias. Lusk's response was substantial. Me likes.

    I enjoyed the interview pieces too, btw, but didn't comment because I haven't actually read any of the books under discussion. :-)

  2. The Tufts professor (his name is Parke Wilde) and I had a rather long exchange over Twitter about that post. I was disappointed that he'd attempt to characterize me the way he did without even glancing at ANY of my body of work here, and I called him out on it.

    The question about the use/misuse of the phrase "personal responsibility" is genuine. Semantically speaking, it's fascinating that one side of the food debate hears "personal responsibility" as a subversive tactic used by industry, while another side can just hear it literally to mean "taking personal responsibility."

    And of course, the issue Lusk tackles in his follow-up post is the grave risk that downplaying personal responsibility can amount to pure condescension: it presumes that people can't or won't take action on their own behalf.

    It doesn't appear that these nuances occurred to Parke. He only saw a narrow-minded caricature.


  3. Great psych links last week. I especially liked the Thought Catalog one.


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