Friday, February 07, 2014

CK Friday Links--Friday February 7, 2014

Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

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We need GMO wheat. (New York Times)

Chemicals in our food. (Marginal Revolution) Skim the comments for a wide spectrum of competent and incompetent scientific thought.

Before you buy that shiny new gadget, just ask this one question... (Time Management Ninja, via 50by25)

Consider keeping a “commonplace book.” (Thought Catalog) Bonus: How to read above your level.

The only two real reasons to buy life insurance. (Aleph Blog) Related: Is all that insurance really worth it to you?

15 ways to disrupt constructive debate on the internet. (The Big Picture)

What the heck is LinkedIn for, really? (The Baffler)

Book recommendation: The Alchemy of Air by Thomas Hager. Fascinating book about two German chemists who discovered how to extract nitrogen from the air, leading to the development of synthetic fertilizers and our ability to feed Earth’s seven billion people. It’s incredibly rare to find a history book that reads, literally, like a page-turner. This one does. Highly recommended.

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