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The proposed nutrition label changes do very little. (A Sweet Life)
Want to guess the impact soda taxes have on obesity? Zero. (Jayson Lusk)
The irony and senselessness of "anti-monoculture mania." (Butterflies and Wheels)
Why breakfast is getting more expensive. (Financial Times)
Cooking as an analogy for anti-consumerism. (Early Retirement Extreme)
How our brains stop us from achieving our goals... and how to fight back. (Lifehacker)
Does thinking negatively affect your performance? (50 by 25)
School is teaching me that putting my head down, keeping my mouth shut, and doing the busy work will get me the grade. (Penelope Trunk)
Why low cost index funds should be your "default portfolio." (Morningstar)
Nicholas Taleb, author of Fooled by Randomness,
Exceptional interview with Bill Gates on conquering poverty, saving the environment and why he's so optimistic. (Rolling Stone)
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