Links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts.
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There are way more "former vegetarians" than actual vegetarians. (Esquire via Addicted to Canning)
You actually can't debunk a flu shot myth. (Incidental Economist)
Related: Create Your Own Food Myths for Fun and Profit!
So many ironies--intended and unintended--in this article about a lawyer who sued a Chinese takeout place for overcharging him... wait for it... four dollars. (
Interesting to see the various narratives applied to General Mills' decision to bring back French Toast Crunch Cereal. A few examples: The Atlantic sees it, weirdly, as some kind of diplomatic statement on Americans hating the French less. Time sees it as part of a string of food revival tours. Fooducate is predictably saddened by the ingredient label, and considers the whole thing "questionable."
Michele Simon embraces the use of technology to replace animal based foods. (Al Jazeera)
Pushing back against Nick Taleb's anti-GMO "precautionary principle." (Jayson Lusk)
See also: The key question is whether GMOs, whatever their advantages, really have the potential to cause truly ruinous harm. (Bloomberg)
The self-storage business is a dark reflection of the retail economy: We're accumulating stuff faster than we can find space to store it! (Business Week)
Have you noticed how gas is a lot cheaper at the pump lately? Here's a good summary of why oil prices have been falling. (Wonkblog)
"I don't know." The three most important words in investing. (Institutional Investor)
The difference between losing and being beaten. (Farnam Street)
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