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This, my friends, is why people eat out. (Frugal Healthy Simple)
A genius time- and worry-saving cooking trick. (5 Second Rule)
The Food Babe: the worst assault on science on the entire internet. (Gawker)
Related: more on the Food Babe’s quackmail here at Casual Kitchen.
Plunged into gloom... by a piece of bread. (Daily Mail)
Why lower food commodity prices don't lead to an equivalent drop in prices to the consumer. (Jayson Lusk)
How to eat healthy at restaurants. (A Sweet Life)
The difference between lying and bullshitting. Long, nuanced and worth it. (The Rawness)
Five steps to good digital hygiene. (Seth's Blog)
How Phil Mickelson used the placebo effect at last weekend's Masters. (A Wealth of Common Sense)
Why I became a stoic. By the author of the exceptional book A Guide to the Good Life.
"Employers! Present this coupon to any woman you hire and receive a 23% discount to what you'd pay a man." (Mark Perry)
Thrown into the consumer world with no immune system. (Early Retirement Extreme)
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As a person who would like our society to become more fair rather than less, it was distressing to read the article claiming that the male/female pay gap is a myth.
Their reasoning about why the pay gap can't possibly exist seems to be based on some assumptions that may be false.
1.It assumes that people never forgo individual benefit to maintain wide-spread societal privilege for their group. Jim Crow was a pretty convincing demonstration that people will forgo personal economic gain to uphold their position of privilege. Another obvious example, in case people think it was just something in the water in the South: the former exclusion of non-white players from professional sports in all parts of the U.S.
2. It assumes that a negative bias towards women does not exist in our society. For the theory suggested by Mr. Perry to be true, employers would have to see women as equivalent employees to men, except for their willingness to work for 23% less. Many studies have shown that both men and women in our society view females as less competent/smart/employable than male employees even when their resumes are identical. A 'profit-minded' firm may think the 'best' employees are a good investment. A interesting example of this bias at work can be found in the hiring practices of major symphony orchestras before they adopted blind auditions.
3. It assumes that people always, or even often, behave in a rational way. Hah!
4. It assumes that people always, or even often, do what is good for them. Double hah!
Frankly, these sorts of arguments, that bias against women does not exist, make me froth at the mouth and get very hysterical and overemotional. Maybe I'm on the rag or something.
I love it when these fine folks take it one step further and assume that since bias does not exist, the absence of women in places of privilege must therefore be due to the innate inferiority of women. But the good news is that there is no bias! I want to weep.
That's well-argued b0tias, thank you as always for sharing your thoughts.
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