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Are you hungry, really? How we lost touch with a basic instinct. (Furthermore)
A broader perspective on the quality of our food supply. (Backyard Farming)
If a government's aim is to make money, then Mexico's soda tax is a great success. In terms of impacting obesity however... (Food Navigator)
"The next piece to this puzzle is to know that nutrition is barely discussed in most medical schools." (A Sweet Life)
The de-professionalization of medicine. (A Country Doctor Writes)
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The "Tiger Mom tax" on SAT prep courses. Fascinating. (ProPublica)
The entire field of psychological research on human willpower turns out to be utterly baseless. (Slate)
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Chunking and functional fixity: why our writing sucks, and how to make it suck less. Ideas from Steven Pinker's new book The Sense of Style.
Bonus: Get 5% better. (Farnam Street)
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I have mixed feelings about the "Are You Hungry?" article. It seems predicated on the notion that it is more 'natural' for humans to eat for optimal weight-management, which I don't think is the case. Evolutionarily, we should be prompting ourselves to overeat.
I hear you Kathryne. What I drew from that article was to have a more mindful approach toward hunger, rather than to just react to it. Or worst case, to react to it by eating whatever junk food happens to be within reach.
Fair enough! :)
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