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Farmers are not the ultimate beneficiaries of farm subsidies--and other highly counterintuitive conclusions about USDA programs. (Jayson Lusk)
90% of people, when seeing the word "healthy" on food, automatically assume it means "tastes horrible." (Eat Clean)
How to read a recipe, and why you always should. (Nerd Fitness)
Bonus: Take a break from the internet. (Nerd Fitness)
Related: Want mistake-free cooking? Read the recipe twice. (Casual Kitchen)
Good summary of the thinking of Gary Taubes, author of the excellent book Why We Get Fat.
Bonus: The value of gray thinking. (Farnam Street)
Is sugar really bad for you? It depends. (New York Times)
Yelp is a disaster... for everyone. (Lifehacker)
Readers know I'm no fan of Ralph Nader, but he surprised me with this article on championing free speech and mocking trigger warnings. (Reason)
I was fired from my internship for petitioning for a more flexible dress code. (Ask a Manager)
A practical "persuasion reading list" at Scott Adams' blog. (Scott Adams)
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Regarding reading the recipe in Nerd Fitness, I have been cooking for 50 years and I did not know about the comma in recipes meaning measure before chopping, dicing, etc. I cannot believe I did not know this. At least I got extra nuts in some recipes, you can never have too many nuts!
Agreed Sue!! I actually didn't know that distinction either. ;)
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