Monday, September 29, 2008

On the Road with Casual Kitchen: Savannah Georgia

Have you ever taken a casual vacation where you have maybe a destination or two in mind but no strict schedule and no set route?

It's not normally Casual Kitchen's habit to talk about our travel plans. But our last vacation, a simple and low-key road trip through Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia, meshed so well with our passion for food, and the entire trip was so relaxed and, well, so casual, that I thought I'd share at least the food-related high points with you, which included visits to Savannah, Georgia and Asheville, North Carolina. I know I have a number of readers from Georgia and the Carolinas, so perhaps you'll know and be willing to share some of your own food stories from these towns as well.

Our first stop was to Savannah, a town so friendly and quaint that it feels like it's from the movies. Oh, wait, it is from the movies--most recently as the setting of the 1997 movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, starring Kevin Spacey, John Cusack and a young and weirdly confederate-looking Jude Law.

Here's the best-known landmark in Savannah, the Forsyth Park Fountain:

But let's get to the eating: we stopped into Paula Deen's store/restaurant and had a friendly visit and a booksigning of The Lady & Sons Savannah Country Cookbook with Paula's son Jamie....

...and then we basically walked the entire historic district by going from candy store to candy store snagging free samples of pralines and buying dark chocolate in countless forms.

It took every ounce of my personal discipline to stop myself from putting my head underneath this glorious river of liquid chocolate:

Our teeth kind of hurt at the end of the day, but it was a good hurt.

Tomorrow: Asheville, NC and Carolina barbecue!

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  1. Lovely! My husband and I are talking about a trip to Savannah in March, so I love hearing about it.

  2. Hi Kmays!

    You'll love it. I'd also suggest making time to drive over to Charleston, SC. It's only about two hours away by car.



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