Our New Zealand Travel Blog

Just a quick off-topic post today for any readers who are interested in travel, and specifically interested in traveling to New Zealand.

As many long-time Casual Kitchen readers know, I'm currently taking a bit of a break from the work world. And on January 1st, Laura joined me and began a six-month sabbatical from her job. And the very first big trip we took together was a four-week tour of New Zealand.

We've dreamed of visiting New Zealand for years and we were not disappointed. It was an amazing place, full of friendly people and stunning natural beauty. We can't wait to go back.

For any readers here who are curious about this incredible country, please feel free to take a look at the full index of posts from our New Zealand Travel Blog. And for those of you who just want a quick taste of some of the highlights, here are--in our opinion--some of the best entries:

Why I Ate All the Chocolate Before We Left
The Acclimation Drive
A Stunning Drive on the Otago Peninsula
Cropdusting with Alistair and Louise
Milford Sound: Breathtaking Beauty in Fiordland
Abel Tasman National Park
The Boiling Mud Pools of Waiotapu
Warkworth and Tawharanui, and How Sidetrips Are Richly Rewarded in New Zealand
Recommended Reading for YOUR Trip to New Zealand
11 Things We'd Do Differently on our Next Trip to New Zealand

Enjoy! Over the next few weeks and months, look for more photos and posts on our trips to Guatemala as well as Hawaii on this same site.

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Melissa said...

NZ is up there for me on my list of places I want to go. Thanks for the links and tips. Your posts are cool - as is your Flickr page.

Daniel said...

Thanks Melissa! Glad you liked it. And the credit for almost all of the photos should go to my wife Laura--she's the one with the gift for photography. I just do the writing around here. :)


Anonymous said...

What a great trip. NZ is on my list of must-sees.