Friday, August 21, 2009

CK Friday Links--Friday August 21, 2009

Here's yet another selection of particularly interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: follow me on Twitter!

A restaurant owner struggles with how to handle a dissatisfied customer. (Knife's Edge)

Expert advice on essential pantry herbs. (Food Woolf)

Only an idiot (or an incurable optimist) hosts a dinner party in August. (Beach Eats)

Heartfelt observations from a novice cook. (Cheap Healthy Good)

I guess the CEO of Whole Foods forgot that his customer base skews left. (Whole Foods CEO's Blog)

Exceptional reporting on the controversial and highly secretive horsemeat industry. (Dana McCauley's Food Blog)

Are cows really worse for the atmosphere than cars? (The Independent Weekly)

Bottled water is the most corrupt kind of second-order food. (Accidental Hedonist)

Recipe Links:
Healthy finger foods: Lime-Chili Roasted Chickpeas. (Chowmama)

Popcorn like you've never had it before: Cilantro Lemon Popcorn. (A Life of Spice)

A delicious and surprisingly easy Chicken Saltimbocca. (Grow. Cook. Eat.)

Off-Topic Links:
Why people go all funny in the head when discussing politics. (Less Wrong)

Two words that could ruin your life: not yet. (Illuminated Mind)

"Camping is a multi-day, multi-step, potentially lethal activity." (Stuff White People Like)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. Thanks for the link! This horsemeat topic has taken on a bit of a life of its own. I may have to hire it a secretary (not a Secretariate, mind you!).

  2. It certainly has, Dana--77 comments and counting! Great to see a spirited (and generally reasonable) debate ensuing on your site.

    Congrats on bringing this story out into the light.


  3. Hooray, its Friday! I just love this feature so much, Dan. And thanks for including me. I'm honored!

    Looking forward to checking out the rest of the links - particularly the bottled water. I'm trying very hard to break myself of the habit ... and its not easy.

  4. Your link to Knife's Edge was blocked by my corporate internet overseers because the website pertains to WEAPONS.

  5. Hi Diva!
    Happy to link to you, I thought that was a great post.

    Why am I not surprised by that? Maybe it's high time you quit your job... :) Thanks as always for reading.


  6. I loved the guest post on CHG. Maybe I should have a baby so Steve will learn to cook. Heh.

    I'm very guilty re. the bottled water. I think about it. I need to get a Brita filter, for both ethical and financial reasons. Steve and I buy one Aquafina 1L bottle each per week and refill it over and over at home and work. And at home, that means, on average, five 2.5-gallon jugs per week. $50 per month. I know, I know. You can slap me now. But southern CA water tastes so freaking horrible, it just became a habit.

    Love the "not yet" thing too. I'm always aware when I say the words "someday" or other such phrases. It never fails to stop me in my tracks. Someday should be NOW, even if it's hard.

  7. Thanks for the feedback Melissa, and as always thanks for reading.



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