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A Thanksgiving dinner I'd rather not be invited to. (Back to San Diego via Alosha's Kitchen)
How to avoid getting sucked in and ripped off by grocery store loyalty cards. (
How one food blogger started saving money left and right by finding the courage to "just ask" for discounts. (Oil and Garlic)
If you claim that you don't like beer, then you haven't tried a lambic. (Accidental Hedonist)
Recipe Links:
Simple, easy-to-follow steps to help you make your own Brioche Bread. (Jeena's Kitchen)
You'd never guess it would be so easy to make Slow-Roasted Garlic. (Cook (Almost) Anything At Least Once)
Easy homemade Gluten-Free Crackers. (
A delicious, intriguingly flavored Spiced Sweet Potatoes and Chickpeas. (Sprouted Kitchen)
Off-Topic Links:
The difference, the only difference, between those who are successful and those who are not, is that they make and keep good habits. (Personal Development Pro)
For the aspiring writers: an exceptionally useful post on the key character types in fiction. (This Business of Writing via @CafeNirvana)
A brilliantly cynical take on the Army Corps of Engineers. (Taunter Media)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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Thanks for linking me. I hope any readers who stop by will check out recipes also. My husband is one fabulous cook (and I'm an excellent eater).
You are welcome O&G, your site is well worth checking out.
This was covered in the comments on the original article, but I read my grocery store's sale circulars online and find the rewards cards are more than worth using. For example, I buy soda only when it's on sale, and those sale prices always require using that store's loyalty card. That's fine by me since that's a stupid second order food my husband will never give up.
Plus since I use practically no other second order foods, the coupon fliers in newspapers are worthless to me.
Bottom line--consumers need to pay attention and not be sheep. Baaah.
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