Friday, December 25, 2009

CK Friday Links--Friday December 25, 2009

Here's yet another selection of particularly interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

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One of my all-time favorite bloggers, Kris at Cheap Healthy Good, shares her very best posts of the year. Well worth a read. (Cheap Healthy Good) PS: Stay tuned--on Monday, CK will run its own best of 2009 post!

Psychological tricks and techniques that menu consultants use to squeeze more dollars out of diners. (Eater)

10 quick eco-friendly things you can do right now, especially tips #6 and #7. (Bargaineering)

Don't drop a turkey pot pie. I've heard that flying pot pie goo can travel up to 5-6 feet. (Beach Eats)

An interesting 5-minute video on how candy canes are made. (Eat Me Daily)

Recipe Links:
If you're interested in serving leg of lamb sometime during the holidays, here is a spectacular Stuffed Leg of Lamb, with easy, step-by-step instructions. (The Art of the Pig)

A Christmas tradition for one of my favorite bloggers: Tamales Verdes/Green Chile Tamales. (A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa)

Another great traditional recipe for holiday baking: Old-Fashioned Molasses Cookies. (A Mingling of Tastes)

A laughably easy Scottish shortbread recipe. (The Claytons Blog)

Off-Topic Links:
An exceptional post explaining the basic fundamental of using minimalism in web design. (Webdesigner Depot via @PANDA_DESIGN)

Some excellent comebacks and responses you can use to rebut anyone's sarcastic comments about your lifestyle choices. (The Middle Finger Project)

This essay was a key inspiration for us to give up television here at Casual Kitchen. (

Surprising and unusual Christmas factoids. (Chow and Chatter)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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1 comment:

  1. thanks for the mention Daniel oh I adore Diana's blog as well hope your Christmas was lovely Rebecca


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