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Casual Kitchen isn't the only site that's all worked up about salt lately. (Food Politics)
I missed this when it first came out, but what do readers think of the controvery over Chef Marc Forgione getting caught abusing his staff? Most chef bloggers defended Forgione, butchering NY Times writer Ron Lieber for being ignorant, a classic jerk diner, even cruising for a bruising. (Forgione himself has an oddly narsicisstic preoccupation with how he's being made fun of.) Wait: are we tolerating bullying now?
Just to show that not all chefs are buttheads, a blogger shares the most amazing thing she's ever seen in a professional kitchen. One of the best and most moving blogs post I've read all year. (Eggbeater)
If you grew up on Chef Boyardee ravioli-in-a-can (like I did), you'll love this short history of the founder of the company. (Eat Me Daily)
Recipe Links:
How to make delicious Slow-Roasted Tomatoes. (Kalyn's Kitchen)
An Peruvian Chicken recipe to die for. (A Life of Spice)
Healthy, with an interesting mix of textures and tastes: Chicken Breasts with Tomatoes, Caramelized Onions and Feta Cheese. (For the Love of Cooking)
Off-Topic Links:
Don't worry when somebody zaps your dreams. They're actually guided by something they can't really control. (The Middle Finger Project)
How rich do you really need to be? (Early Retirement Extreme)
An excellent list of highly useful writing tips. (The Art of Non-Conformity) And a related PS: Check out my Writing Tips Blog!
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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Fun collection, and thanks for including my slow roasted tomatoes. Always a favorite ingredient around here.
Thanks, Kalyn, for sharing your recipe! It was love at first sight for me.
I wish I hadn't read that post by SFL. I didn't want to think of Thomas Keller that way and I don't really want to think about restaurants that way. It makes me think the whole profession is ridiculous and that we should all focus just a bit more on having fun in our own kitchens with our families... sorry, I don't know why, but reading that left me irritated and sad.
I sooooo wish I had a grill for that Peruvian chicken!! I can use the marinade anyway, but it would be better with a grill.
And the salt thing again - in reference to the comment on your original post about how if you don't have salt, you can taste it everywhere... I personally think all processed sweets taste like salt and sugar and nothing else. Soda too. Pizza crust from chain restaurants. Bottled salad dressings. I can taste HFCS. Ew. All so, so gross.
So I do get your point. And of course I'm kind of glad I can recognize how awful those things are. ;)
Melissa, I can always count on you for a really interesting take on my links and posts here.
I'd say that both the article on Marc Forgione and the article from Eggbeater (the SFL post) make the restaurant industry seem ridiculous. Certainly neither succeeded in encouraging me to go out to eat.
Also, regarding salt, sugars, etc., I went for a lot of years eating processed foods, and not really having any idea that there were more subtle tastes out there I was blind to. I feel like I have somewhat of an obligation to help others understand what they might be missing.
I guess for all I can say about my mom not really liking to cook, and us not having awesome meals all the time as I grew up, I will give my parents a lot of credit for never buying processed foods. I did not grow up eating chips, cookies, frozen meals, etc. and only tasted those things in early adulthood. That's why the flavors stand out to me, I s'pose.
But yeah, the restaurant thing. I was just venting about it to Steve and it's hard to elaborate on in this small space. I just don't think I could ever work in a high end restaurant, even if I possessed the right skills. Nuh uh.
Of course, plenty of other industries are just as ridiculous with no shortage of self-important DBs working in them. On Wall Street we used to call them "screamers" as in "don't work for that fund manager, he's a screamer."
But it does seem like the restaurant industry has a high percentage of work environments like this, and that's a shame.
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