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Is the paleo diet healthy? (Dietriffic)
It’s time to reacquaint ourselves with minimally processed carbs. (A Sweet Life)
Six reasons you can go back to loving butter. (Stonesoup)
Recipe Links:
A brilliant and unusual Pecan Milanesas with Corn and Blueberry Salsa recipe from the author of The New Southern-Latino Table.
Just 60c a serving! Sweet Potato Corn Cakes. (Budget Bytes)
Need a respite from (*shudder*) mayo-based potato salads? Try this Pesto Potato Salad with Green Beans instead. (Marcus Samuelsson, via Eats Well With Others)
Off-Topic Links:
Ten science fiction novels you really should read--and why you should read them. (io9) PS: Totally agreed on Cryptonomicon.
The people who have said the worst things to me about being single are the ones in the most dysfunctional relationships. (Role/Reboot)
Do you rely on vanity metrics to feel better about yourself? (Dragos Roua)
What chained elephants can tell us about the power of beliefs. (Rachel Rofe)
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I've thought a lot about the paleo diet (ironic given that, as a vegetarian, I couldn't EVER be on it and get enough protein) and I just don't understand some parts of it or why one would ever think eating beans or whole grains are bad for you. I'm glad the article you shared shed some light on this!
I haven't read most of the SF novels on that list, but wow, do I love Cryptonomicon. I cannot stop reading that book.
I LOVE BUTTER. Incidentally, so does my cat. I used to give her that Petro Malt kitty lube, then switched to butter. Has to be better for her than a petroleum product.
Butter is not the perfect kitchen fat, but my last meal will certainly include it if I have any control over the matter.
Unprocessed grains: I eat plenty of bread, but at least I also eat plenty of rolled oats and dark rice.
Paleo: isn't it funny how people so often turn diets into a kind of religion? I think most normal folks, though, use "Paleo" as shorthand for "whole foods diet." It sounds cooler.
Also read the SF books piece and am ashamed to say I have only read one of them (1984) though I did just order myself a copy of the Susanna Clark book. One day, I expect to get through a lot of Asimov, but there are SO MANY BOOKS and only so much time.
Here's MY pick for a SF book that I think not many people have read, which I think a lot of people ought to read: "Intervention" by Julian May.
I made Joanne's potato salad (with adjustments based on what I had in the house), and it was delicious!!
I've dabbled in primal/paleo. It made me fertile (I got pregnant with #2 right after I did 3 weeks on it). But I just can't give up beans.
I read a book called "Refuse to Regain" by Dr. Barbara Berkeley. Her research shows that people who have been obese or very overweight process carbs differently than people who have never been overweight. Fascinating stuff. Probably one reason why paleo has such a strong following.
I like to read a lot about paleo and vegan diets. At least for the most part, they both agree on the increased amount of fresh produce you should eat. I wonder if the vast majority of the benefits people feel when they switch diets isn't related to that alone.
My husband enjoyed Cryptonomicon.
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