CK Links--Friday July 4, 2014

We're back! Thanks for indulging me while I took a break from running my weekly links posts for the month of June. Once again, here are some of the posts and articles I've been looking at over the past week or so. As always, I welcome your thoughts.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

It was never gluten... it was carbs that gave people problems. (New Yorker)

Is obesity stigma is the last allowable prejudice? (Mark’s Daily Apple)

The truth about grass-fed beef. (Food Revolution)

Even the Amish use GMOs... willingly! (Jayson Lusk)

The case against antibacterial soap. (Gizmodo)

How to be productive. (Ombailamos)

Why do we make decisions our futures selves regret? (Farnam Street)

The death of the blog? (New Republic)

"...the decline of the blog has come so quickly, one has to wonder whether we ever really liked the medium at all." (Observer)

Your lifestyle has already been designed. (Raptitude)

A call for revolt against advertising. (Zen Habits)

Bonus: This week was the anniversary of the birth of economist Frederic Bastiat. Why is he important? Because he was the first true advocate for consumer empowerment. (Carpe Diem)

Got an interesting article or recipe to share? Want some extra traffic at your blog? Send me an email!

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1 comment:

chacha1 said...

Interesting piece from David Cain. As he got into it, I wondered if he would address how the 8-hour workday came to be a standard, and was happy to see that he did.

I don't know that I agree that the evolution of modern capitalism was "calculated" to produce a certain consumerist lifestyle. My opinion of business (particularly big business) is that long-term planning is not actually its strong point. :-)

But a provocative and mindful piece, as usual from Raptitude.

btw thanks for the link!