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Eat less sugar with these ten ideas. (WiseBread)
Related: How food companies hide sugar in plain sight.
Instead of qualifications in boring things such as nutrition and science, today's wellness guru advises millions from her blog and Instagram account with a friendly, informal tone. (Guardian)
This is how KFC really makes their chicken. (Gizmodo)
Whole Foods says au contraire to New York City's allegations that it systematically overcharges customers. (Whole Foods Blog)
Mr. Money Mustache takes it to the Washington Post, including this gem of a quote: "The latte is just the foamy figurehead of an entire spectrum of sloppy 'I deserve it' luxury spending." (Washington Post)
Thoughts after my first ultra ultra marathon. (Dragos Roua)
Intriguing thoughts on how living abroad changes you. (Eat Your Kimchi)
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I enjoyed the article about nutrition gurus. Several years ago, I read a lot of food-related blogs (back before kid #2). So many of them seemed to follow the path to the "nutrition guru" (and they have a lot in common too). Young, pretty, thin, etc.
I pretty much stopped reading all of them, and now my blog reading is very small - only the quality ones really. Occasionally I go back to visit the old ones. It's hard to relate though.
Thanks for your thoughts Marcia. I have been reading fewer food related blogs too, and read them differently now. I only follow a few sites on a "post by post" basis any more. Instead, I use a feedreader to catch up on a few weeks' or months' worth of posts at a time from one or two different blogs at a time.
Another thought: In some ways it kind of feels like a lot of food blog sub-genres have jumped the shark: there are only so many months you can stand reading, say, a "Hey, look at what I ate today!" blog, or a Food Babe-style "OMG this food will kill you"-style food blog. And I can't stand the one-word-per-sentence writing style of, say, a Gluten Free Girl-type blog... sadly, a whole sub-genre sprouted copying that writing style! Heck there are only so many posts you can read (or write!) on how to plate your food better, or how to take better food photos, etc. It feels like a lot of this genre has been done, doesn't it?
I haven't been following the fracas anent Whole Foods in NYC; that was an interesting response from the company.
Personally and anecdotally, I think WF gets a bad rap. It is by no means the "most expensive" place I could choose to shop. The only reason I don't go there more often is because my local store is not easy to get in and out of during the times I'm usually pursuing food.
I think when people go into a market looking for high-quality prepared and packaged foods, CONVENIENCE foods in other words, and then bitch about the cost, they deserve a good slap.
Buy the whole foods (imagine that!) and fix it yourself if you're really worried about cost. If you're willing to pay 2x the regular price to have your apple cut up for you, I have no patience with the "overcharge" complaint.
I hear it. Given that this is a frugal food blog, and that the central purpose here is to help consumers empower themselves and get the most out of what the food industry offers us, that article--and the company's response--resonated with me on many levels.
Great links this last week, Dan. Just now had the chance to read. The ultra ultra guy and the Whole Foods response were great. I think WF gets a bad rap (deservedly) for being overpriced, but I have to say I am impressed by their blog, which seemed... very genuine. Huh.
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