Friday, July 31, 2015

CK Links--Friday July 31, 2015

Links from around the internet!

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Forget the Dunkin' Donuts "Fruit Smoothies." You're better off with a donut. (Fooducate)

"The deeper you dig, the more fraud you find in the case against GMOs." (Slate)

A food blogger compares the cost of Blue Apron's recipe delivery service with cooking at home. Readers, a critical thinking alert: can you see some the obvious problems with her pricing comparison? (100 Days of Real Food)

Bonus: Energy bars and snack bars are healthy, right? Not so fast.

Ten simple grilling hacks to up your grilling game. (Grillocracy, via Dad Cooks Dinner)

Hunters and environmentalists: you're on the same team. (Tovar Cerulli)

Intriguing video series from Audible where narrators talk about the best book they ever narrated. (Youtube)

Surprising benefits of exercising on an empty stomach. (My Fitness Pal)

But we also have to understand that we’re being manipulated into fear. [Adult language] (terribleminds)

Intriguing post. The myth of the ethical shopper. (HuffPo, via 50 by 25)

"I don't know why Dr. Brown took my license away," the 92-year old man said. He was visibly shaking with anger. (A Country Doctor Writes)

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  1. I really liked that article about exercising on an empty stomach, for a variety of reasons. Thanks for that link.

    And believe me, hunters and environmentalists ARE on the same team, in almost every way. I just wish everyone would realize that.

    Last note: the one about the Blue Apron service. I'd like to see you analyze that further. I can tell you for sure there is no NO NO way a single meal would cost me $33 or $51. That's insane. I can pick apart every itemized line of that cost sheet. It's way off. And don't get me started on the cost of spices...

  2. The Blue Apron post.

    Who pays $2 for one bell pepper? I mean, come ON. If you're going to manipulate figures to benefit a sponsor at least make it *realistic*.

  3. @Stuart Carter - $2 for a green bell pepper is excessive, but red, yellow and orange routinely go for that price here. I do have a couple of sources where I can find them cheaper.

    The biggest problem with her post is that she listed the cost of buying the ingredients for the recipe, not the actual cost to make the recipe. I doubt she used the whole package of corn tortillas, the whole bunch of cilantro, and certainly not all of the queso fresco, tomato paste, chili powder, cumin, oregano and garlic powder. It would have been helpful if she posted the recipe and not just the ingredients.

    I found this recipe for beef fajitas at Budget Bytes:
    $12.25 for beef fajitas to serve 6 also using flank steak. Some slight differences in the recipe but even adding those ingredients wouldn't raise the cost much. In addition to being far less expensive, I think the Budget Bytes recipe looks much tastier than the other one!

    That one post did a lot to further the myth that eating well is too expensive for most people.

  4. Agreed. The prices were transparently too high. And if you're running single meal costs in that kind of range, you'd be running a grocery bill of $900 to $1500 a month. I know some people spend that but it's not necessary to spend remotely close to that kind of money to eat a perfectly healthy, high-quality diet.

    Finally, yes, Sally is right, this is the kind of thing that spreads the false ugly myth that eating healthy has to cost more. Thanks for the insights from you all.



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