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When it comes to losing weight, eating less is far more important than exercising more. (Upshot)
Interestingly, Marion Nestle agrees… except that it's still entirely Big Soda's fault. (Food Politics)
Related: When it comes to banning soda, Marion Nestle fights dirty. (Casual Kitchen)
When the farm lobby supports "Ag gag" laws, it sure looks like they have something to hide. (Jayson Lusk)
Recommendations for healthy eating for long plane trips. (Frugal Healthy Simple)
Know the different types of expiration dates for food. (100 Days of Real Food)
We love our eggs, except for this one highly inconvenient fact. (GlobalPost)
My own little rebellion against gluttony and overconsumption: living happily on a 1,500 calorie a day diet. (Social Extinction)
Useful! How to develop a strong, instinctive frugality mindset. (The Simple Dollar)
A more satisfying life automatically cuts down your desire to doll it up with more toys. (Mr. Money Mustache)
How other people spend has nothing to do with your financial health. (New York Times)
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Very good collection this week (and thanks for the link!)
I have to say, the NYT one on eating less is spot-on. I think most people feel that they can out-exercise a bad diet. And that works. To a point. For me, that point was about 25. Some people can go much longer.
I have to sympathize with Marion Nestle also. I'm not a fan of soda. But it doesn't affect my life that much. I don't keep it in the house. I rarely drink it. If I'm at a party, I may have some, but I prefer water/ wine/ beer (depending on the kind of party). I do like bubbles so I like to drink homemade seltzer, or storebought if that's the option.
However I just got back from a 2 week trip to visit family, and soda was ubiquitous. Every house we were in (at least 4) had a spare fridge FULL of soda, and a storage room with the extras to refill. Some people drink only soda, and very little water. It was pretty eye opening to me. Growing up, we almost never had it (mostly for financial reasons, but also because in the 70's, you just didn't drink it. In the summers, it was Kool-aid).
I had an argument with my sister in law about chocolate milk that she offered to my son. I said "no". She said "it's not that bad". I said "true. But he hasn't had a SINGLE glass of water today, so the answer is NO. If he'd been drinking water this morning, I'd have said yes. But he chose gatorade. He's done for the day with sugary drinks."
Soda has become SO COMMON in the last 40 years, and I honestly think most people haven't even THOUGHT about it.
Boy what I wouldn't do to have a 1500 calorie diet. That would be heaven!
Also, that Simple Dollar article was very good.
Thank you Marcia! I aim to please. ;) Great thoughts/reactions too, I appreciate them.
I honestly don't know what to make of Marion Nestle... I am certain her heart is in the right place but I simply can't respect her position on this issue after I did my fisking on her astoundingly irrational argument for the large soda ban.
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