CK Links--Friday December 4, 2015

Links from around the internet!

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A food blogger finds a broken recipe in a famous cookbook... and an unusual result ensues. (Dianne Jacob)

We're better off today because our ancestors took a chance on an unnatural food. (Jayson Lusk)

Was your Thanksgiving sufficiently hipster? Mine definitely wasn't. (Youtube)

An Orwellian argument for "intolerance of intolerance" is making today's young people into the least tolerant generation ever. (Heterodox Academy)

Bonus: Consider installing an Eggshellometer in your classroom to help produce intellectual openness. (Heterodox Academy)

How much of what you read today will matter next year, let alone be true? (Forbes)

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool. (Farnam Street)

Are you a sport shopper? (Yahoo Health)

Rice and Black Beans with Cilantro and Lime. (For the Love of Cooking)

An interesting hot drink from Mexican cuisine: Blackberry Atole. (Mexico in My Kitchen)

A creative pesto hack, no food processor required! Simple Almond Pesto. (Hot Off The Garlic Press)

Got an interesting article or recipe to share? Want some extra traffic at your blog? Send me an email!

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