CK Links--Friday February 12, 2016


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Intriguing interview with the author of the book First Bite on how infants' tastes for food is shaped--even before birth. (NPR)

The big problem with not being a daily cast iron pan user. (Dad Cooks Dinner)

Consumers have no idea what the word "natural" means. (Food Politics)

Big cracks in the view that hunter-gatherers had a much easier life (and diet) than moderns. (Rachel Laudan)

Why it's insanely complicated to switch over to cage-free eggs. (Wired)

Eleven things to know about GMOs. (Jayson Lusk)

Karl Popper and seven essential conclusions to distinguish between science and pseudo-science. (Farnam Street)

"We found a link between green jelly beans and acne." Uh-huh, riiiiight. (BuzzFeed)

How Q-Tips are used exactly as unintended. (Washington Post)

An excellent, extensive and polymathic reading list for those on the road towards greater financial independence. (Early Retirement Extreme)

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1 comment:

chacha1 said...

Very interesting piece by Rachel Laudan. I haven't read "Guns Germs & Steel" yet but I'd like to think I would have noticed that all of the actual labor of turning raw wheat - or whatever - into something humans can digest is not counted as work.

My mother had a kitchen garden when I was growing up, and it was hard work. But nowhere near as hard as going out into the woods to gather acorns, or hunt wild turkeys, would have been.

I wonder if anyone has done a study to see what proportion of Paleo diet enthusiasts have ever actually picked a fruit, gathered an egg, or caught a fish. Or, for that matter, boned a chicken.