Friday, November 25, 2016

CK Links--Friday November 25, 2016

Among my USA-based readers, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy this week's selection of Friday Links!

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How can you not love homemade noodles that only take 20 minutes? (Beyond Salmon)

Fourteen low-carb fears and whether you should worry about them. (Diet Doctor)

A family dinner ritual guaranteed to spark good conversation. (Dinner: A Love Story)

Can hydroponic farming be organic? Organic farmers say "nope" ...and frankly, they appear rather greedy and anticompetitive in saying so. (New York Times)

How the snooze button messes with your mind--in more ways than one. (Science of Us)

Developing a truth-seeking, "scout mindset" to feel intrigued, not defensive, when encountering information contradicting our beliefs. (Abnormal Returns)

When you lose your confidence, you focus on your fears, not your hopes. (Points and Figures)

Book Recommendation: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. A friend recommended this book to me and, I'll admit, I was suspicious at first. What could possibly be life-changing about "tidying up"? But this book really surprised me on a few different levels, and it's given me some new ways to think more deeply about the things I own--and the value I get (or in many cases don't get) in owning them. Highly recommended!

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