CK Friday Links--Friday January 1, 2010

Welcome to the New Year!! Here's yet another selection of particularly interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: follow me on Twitter!

Really sad wine news: after 12 years of wonderfully unpretentious writing, my favorite wine columnists from the Wall Street Journal quietly, and suddenly, announce their resignations. (Vinography, via Steve Heimoff)

Great advice on how to choose, use and properly maintain a knife. (Gizmodo)

If you ever choose to eat any ready-to-eat foods at an airport, don't say you weren't warned. (USA Today)

Disturbing statistics on how utterly wasteful it is to drink bottled water. (Epic Self) Bonus post: How to ward off peer pressure around food.

Recipe Links:
An interesting-sounding Corn and Scallion Pancakes with Spiced Strawberry Syrup. (The Budding Cook) Bonus post: a laughably easy Green Pea Soup recipe.

Laughably cheap and wonderfully healthy White Bean and Kale Soup. (Food alla Puttanesca)

Laughably easy Candied Walnuts. (Closet Cooking)

Off-Topic Links:
For those of you making New Year's resolutions: an extremely helpful post on turning goals into habits. (

Sources of bias in the financial news, and why you'll never make any money in the stock market by reading the newspaper or watching CNBC. (A Dash of Insight)

Embrace being ridiculous. (Dragos Roua's Blog)

Writers should always use a thesaurus with caution. (DailyWritingTips)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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Joanne said...

Happy New Year Daniel! Love the links, as usual. They will keep me busy for the better part of this afternoon :D

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the links.

Melissa said...

The knife article - needed that. And, uh, I'll be sure to eat before I get to the airport tomorrow. Yeesh.

All the other articles were great as well, as always.

Happy New Year Dan!

TBC said...

Happy New Year, and thank you for the link love. :)

Daniel said...

Thanks everybody! As always, thanks for the attention and feedback.