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What food is not. (Choosing Raw)
You’re probably thinking you don't eat fossil fuels--but you do. (Divorce Your Car!)
Keep cool with these 68 cheap, healthy no-cook recipes. (Cheap Healthy Good)
It seems counterintuitive, but frugality is more popular among people who don’t need to be frugal than among those who do. (Frugal Babe)
Recipe Links:
Easy and delicious: Cornmeal Fried Onion Rings. (Well Fed)
Intriguing and laughably easy: Thai Chicken Mole. (Closet Cooking)
Delicious and easy Pico de Gallo (Mexican Salsa). (A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa)
Off-Topic Links:
The discord between people’s Facebook lives and what they say in private. (Wanderingstan via Ben Casnocha)
A brain scientist received an earth-shaking insight after suffering a stroke. One of the best TED videos I've seen, ever. (
This article is a bit wonkish, but if you read it twice you'll know more about the coming Social Security crisis than 99% of our financial media. (David Merkel's Blog)
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I heartily second the endorsement of Jill Bolte Taylor's TED video. I watch it every few months to remind me to not live so much in my 'left brain', and I even based a science fiction story on it (very loosely, though). :)
Thanks Liz! And if you have your story somewhere on the internet and want to share it, please feel free. Sounds interesting!
I'm glad I scrolled down and read the comments on the TED video, so I don't feel so hesitant saying this... like others there, I experienced extremely similar feelings to what she experienced, a few times, on various psychedelic drugs - one of which was used by mystics and such, who also seem to achieve this level of thinking. It's why I always say that I would never, ever go back and change those experiences nor do I regret doing the things that I did. The feeling of unity, of peace, of that entire "other side" of your brain shutting off, she put it into words better than I can in this small space and it hit me in the chest to hear someone talk about it from her perspective, from her experience. I remembered to live like that for a time, for a few years, and then forgot. And I have been trying to find my way back for a while.
All this is to say, thanks for the link Dan, so I could be reminded.
Absolutely any time Melissa, thanks for sharing your thoughts. And you're not alone: lots of other readers are finding that video to be powerful viewing too.
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