Friday, October 15, 2010

CK Friday Links--Friday October 15, 2010

Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

The one truth the food media won't tell you. (Accidental Hedonist)

An exceptional primer on serving sizes and portion control. (Cheap Healthy Good)

Hilarious tips on how not to behave at a food blogger conference. (5 Second Rule)

Another take on the Martha Stewart/Rachel Ray schism--we really need 'em both. (Dad Cooks Dinner)

An intense post on how to kill, dress and clean a live chicken. Not for the faint of heart. (A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa)

Recipe Links:
A perfect excuse to stop by your town's local Latin-American food market: Chile Colorado. (Alosha's Kitchen)

How to make a simple Peanut Sauce. (Nourish Me)

Off-Topic Links:
The scarcity mentality and the abundance mentality explained. (The Simple Dollar)

Investing is not like poker. You don't have to go "all in." (A Dash of Insight)

How to get out of the success trap. (The Change Blog)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

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  1. LOVE (!!!) the step by step on how to kill and clean a chicken. You say this is not for the faint of heart, but I have to say, this is about as sanitized as it gets. And it is important for people to realize where their food comes from and what goes into getting it to the table.

  2. Thanks Julia, I couldn't agree more.


  3. These are all great links - thanks for sharing! You might also enjoy Gigi Centaro's Let's Cook Tonight website, which offers free menus and a wonderful cookbook. I just got the book as love her ideas on easy and healthy meals on a budget.

  4. Great links, Dan - as usual! I'm currently working up the nerve to check out the chicken thing...

  5. Audrey, thank you for sharing, much appreciated!

    And bashtree, don't worry too much about the chicken post--it is well-worth reading. Let me know what you think.


  6. You're welcome, Daniel :}. Enjoy!

  7. Thanks for the link! Great cheap recipe with plenty of leftovers. Perfect for CK. ;)

    Loved the chicken thing. I saw it before because my good friend Rebecca (I've mentioned her to you before - you, she and my other friend Priscilla, the ones who changed my life in food...) is also doing the Project Food Blog thing. Still going too. Anyway, that chicken post was amazing and yes, actually pretty "clean." The only picture I could see people being aghast at is the one with the knife to the neck, where you can see the chicken's face. Poor thing. But a good lesson and reminder for us all.

    Love the posts from Kate and Kristen too. Good stuff!

  8. Any time Melissa! And thank you for the feedback.



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