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Martha Stewart is all that's wrong with cooking in America. (Art of Cooking Without a Recipe)
I'm not an anorexic hypocrite who's putting readers in danger--I'm just a food blogger. (Eats Well With Others)
How to tell whether a commercial whole-grain bread is worth eating. (Food Politics)
Lesson for winery owners: It's just a bad idea to be a jerk... and then sue the people who say you're a jerk. (1 Wine Dude)
Don't watch this unless you really want to know how much sugar is in that 20-ounce soda you're drinking. (Youtube, via Grow. Cook. Eat.)
Recipe Links:
A delicious, easy Olive Tapenade recipe. (Home Ec 101)
Straight outta Athens: Shrimp Saganaki. (5 Star Foodie)
Chicken Legs Baked with White Wine, Olive Oil & Parmigiano Reggiano. (Alexandra's Kitchen)
Off-Topic Links:
Unsolicted book recommendation of the week: If you or someone you know is interested in World War II history, let me suggest John Keegan's The Second World War.
Physical books are a thing of the past. (Far Beyond the Stars)
How the Bechdel Test changed changed everything I thought about the movies. (Jigsawdust)
Your attention is a precious and limited resource. How do you allocate it? (Steve Pavlina's Blog)
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Here's a better use for sugary drinks (specifically coke and pepsi)....
Martha Stewart is strange creature. On one hand, she has some great ideas for crafts, cooking, and general household matters. She built an empire. Hell, people who used to work for her go on to have great careers. (see Beakman Boys) On the other hand, that show she has on PBS is fakety-fake-fake-fake. And she is one of the most condescending, snobby, name-dropping hosts I've seen on t.v.
Hmm...I don't think Martha Stewart is evil. I have a cookbook of hers that is "Great Food Fast". OTOH, I donated Rachael Ray's. Too fatty. But I like Ray Ray's spunk. I do not aspire to be Martha, by any means.
Joanne's blog was awesome.
I don't think the physical book is dead (I read that blog too). Paper rules.
Julia, thanks for sharing that, as well as the original link.
Anon and Marcia, thanks for your thoughts and reactions. And Marcia, I actually don't think physical books are dead either, but it's interesting hearing Everett's perspective.
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