Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.
PS: Follow me on Twitter!
Marion Nestle attempts to explain why greedy food companies should have their First Amendment rights taken away. (Food Politics)
What's the difference between expeller-pressed oil and solvent extracted oil? A lot, it turns out. (Fooducate) Bonus post: PowerBar Energy Bites are just another cheap processed food sold at high prices.
A Malthusian explains our "ecological plight" in six easy steps. The logic sounds air-tight... but is it? (Growth Is Madness)
Interested in learning the secrets of healthy, minimalist cooking? Jules at stonesoup has agreed to provide Casual Kitchen readers a special, buy-one-get-one-free promotion at her stonesoup virtual cooking school! (stonesoup)
Recipe Links:
A recipe Every Man Should Know: Beef and Beer Chili. (Eats Well With Others)
A lighter, healthier and more veggie-forward Chicken Cacciatore. (Clean Cuisine and More)
Split Pea Sausage Soup that you can make for five bucks. ($5 Dinners)
Off-Topic Links:
Procrastination isn't laziness, it's a failure to outsmart your future self. (You Are Not So Smart)
On long blog comments. (The Aleph Blog)
Never show your writing to your lover or your mother. (Writer Unboxed, via @elizabethscraig)
Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!
Help support Casual Kitchen by buying Jules Clancy's exceptional new e-cookbook 5 Ingredients, 10 Minutes (see my rabidly positive review here). Or, support CK by buying Everett Bogue's revolutionary book The Art of Being Minimalist. (These are both affiliate links, so if you decide to make a purchase, you'll help fund all of the free content here at CK!)
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Thanks for the links, Dan. The one abotu procrastination really got me.