Friday, December 31, 2010

CK Friday Links--Friday December 31, 2010

Happy New Year everyone! Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts, your Viagra and your feedback.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

Win a free copy of Dianne Jacob's book Will Write For Food and a free seat in Monica Bhide's online food writing class! Hurry, contest ends tomorrow. (A Life of Spice)

Are you overweight because you choose to be? (344 Pounds)

You can replace 5-6 chemical cleaners in your home with these two inexpensive pantry items. (Raising Knights)

For all the urbanites out there who romanticize the idea of raising your own chickens, please read this post. (Backyard Farming)

Recipe Links:
A Brazilian Black Bean Soup recipe that's intriguing, vegan and laughably cheap. (Eats Well With Others)

Laughably easy and quick Comfort Chili. (A Sweet Life)

Disappearing Chocolate Chip & Peanut Butter Puffy Rice Treats. (Shoots & Roots)

Off-Topic Links: (Note: Astute readers might detect a theme in today's off-topic links...)
How a minimalist hunts zombies. (Far Beyond the Stars)

The only thing you can change. (mnmlist)

What happens when a minimalist wears the exact same outfit to the office every day for seven weeks straight? Surprisingly, not much. (Castles In the Air)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

Help support Casual Kitchen by buying Jules Clancy's exceptional new e-cookbook 5 Ingredients, 10 Minutes (see my rabidly positive review here). Or, support CK by buying Everett Bogue's revolutionary book The Art of Being Minimalist. (These are both affiliate links, so if you decide to make a purchase, you'll help fund all of the free content here at CK!)

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  1. Thanks for the minimalist zombie hunt link. I found that truly fascinating. It really gave me a lot to think about for the new year.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Cynthia. I loved that article too. Very fitting for the new year.



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