Friday, February 11, 2011

CK Friday Links--Friday February 11, 2011

Here's yet another selection of interesting links from around the internet. As always, I welcome your thoughts and your feedback.

PS: Follow me on Twitter!

Great tips in this brief post on dieting on a budget. (Owlhaven)

Ten small benefits of losing 100 pounds. (344 Pounds)

I'd rather eat nails than eat fat-free foods. Your body needs certain fats! (Meditate This)

A provocative but "straw man" argument against vegetarianism. (Eco-Snobbery Sucks, via @CanarsieBK)

Seven unusual ways to cut your food costs. (stonesoup)

Recipe Links:
The most perfect Spaghetti and Meatballs you will ever have. (Alosha's Kitchen)

A fascinating three-part series on taking a whole pork belly and making your own amazing Homemade Bacon. (Blind Pig BBQ)

Striking, rich and surprisingly easy: Togus Steamed Bread. (Bread Experience)

Off-Topic Links:
Usolicited book recommendation of the week: The Black Swan by Nicholas Taleb. This is a truly exceptional book about how we fail to understand large and unexpected risks. I first read it a few years ago, and read it again last year. It's somewhat arrogantly written, but it's also one of very few books that actually changed how I think about everything.

Applying the 3-6-9 Method for better daily productivity. (

Do fewer things. Do them better. (The Happiest Mom)

Do you have an interesting article or recipe that you'd like to see featured in Casual Kitchen's Food Links? Send me an email!

Help support Casual Kitchen by buying Jules Clancy's exceptional new e-cookbook 5 Ingredients, 10 Minutes (see my rabidly positive review here). Or, support CK by buying Everett Bogue's revolutionary book The Art of Being Minimalist. (These are both affiliate links, so if you decide to make a purchase, you'll help fund all of the free content here at CK!)

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  1. That is a good link for cutting food costs! Very important giving the times that we are in.

  2. Thanks Dan! :D

    Love the "do fewer things" article. It definitely speaks to the life revisions I made last month.

    And also a great article on eating fats. Mmmmm fat. But seriously, and I think I've said this here before: if nature gives you a pure food with fat in it, eat it that way. You think nature didn't know what it was doing? I mean, please. So I happily eat my avocados and nuts and fish and olive oil and I will never ever buy fat free dairy items. Especially cheese. *Shudder*

  3. Hey, thanks for the link!

  4. TTC: Thanks, yes, it was a good link. I probably should re-run some of the content here at CK to help people with still more ideas for cutting food costs--there are a lot of new readers who aren't yet familiar with A Recession-Proof Guide to Saving Money on Food or my post on The 25 Best Laughably Cheap Recipes at Casual Kitchen. Enjoy!

    Melissa.... ohhh those meatballs. :) Hehe. Great work on that recipe.

    Rhiannon, you are welcome! Keep firing up those great posts on your site. I'm enjoying them.


  5. Hi Dan,

    Thanks for posting my "I'd rather eat nails than eat fat-free foods."
    I appreciate it!

    MJ :)

  6. Any time MJ! Great work.



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